Monday, August 1, 2016

Mystery Dragon Fruit Flower

The mystery dragon fruit might reveal her true identity in a couple of months.  I discovered a flower button which will develop into a bud and then a flower.  If I'm lucky enough to harvest mature fruit, I can find out what color fruit flesh the plant produces. Of course I'll never be 100% positive as to its variety, but I'll settle for knowing the color of the flesh.  The color doesn't matter to me so long as the flavor is excellent.

On a side note, I have been watching certain areoles on the mystery plant for 2-3 weeks because they seemed to be swelling slightly.  It's amazing how fast the button appears seemingly overnight.  I check my plants daily, and there was no button.  Then, bang!  There is the button.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Dragon fruit flower

Twenty-three days after I spotted the bud, my first ever dragon fruit flower opened.  I hand pollinated and hope my only flower produces fruit.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

First dragon fruit flower bud

Thank God!  I have my first indication that my physical graffiti hylocereus (green pot) is officially mature.  I found a small flower bud.  The plant is 2.5 years old.  I have 3.5 years invested in growing dragon fruit.  The first PG plant froze during the harsh winter of 2013.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Red Seedling Dragon Fruit

The little seedling has put on a lot of mass this winter.

Wurtz Avocado

The little Wurtz has finally recovered from shipping and transplanting stress.  It has a multitude of swollen buds that are starting to produce little leaves.  This is the first sign of vigor I have seen in the three months it has been here.  I have tried to take extra care with this plant--using fast draining soil, applying foliar sprays, feeding with organic fish emulsion, maintaining constant and comfortable ambient temps and humidity, and lighting with lamps.