Sunday, May 27, 2012


The flowers are blooming

Pineapples 2010

The pineapples are plumping quite nicely.  All looks good so far.

Meyer Lemon Update

The lemon tree has lost all her leaves.  There is a little new growth and 4 lemons.  She looks pretty sad.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Pineapples 2012

These are the pineapples I planted about a month ago or so. They look like they are dying, but I pulled two of the out of the soil. They have strong, white roots growing downward into the soil. I think all of them are going to make it.
I am growing Sugarloaf white pineapple. I purchased these two pineapples from Wellspring Gardens about 2 weeks ago. They have a lot of growing to do.


I don't know if pomegranates should be considered tropical plants. I think that they are more sub-tropical to temperate plants. I don't see any growing around here, so I'll assume that they are a bit of a rarity around these parts. About 1.5 years ago in November-December of 2010, I ate some pomegranates and planted a few seeds. Three plants grew. One did not make it through the winter. The other two are pictured.
To my surprise, I discovered flower buds on the larger plant today. I really wasn't expecting the plants to be able to fruit for another year or two. I guess the jokes on me in a good sort of way.

Pineapples 2010

The pineapples have been growing. It is hard to tell the difference in size from day to day, but I looked at some pictures from earlier this year, and there is a marked difference between the fruit then and now.

Meyer Lemon Flush

The Meyer Lemon is flushing new leaves. Gosh, she needs it. The little lemon tree has looked absolutely exhausted since she produce lemons. I hope the sunlight and Miracle grow, will get her looking better.