Sunday, August 31, 2014

Dragon fruit garden

I trellised all my larger dragon fruits. The dragon fruit in front, the small one, was grown from seed. It is the only ceiling dragon fruit that I have left. The rest perished during the tough winter. Someday I will have fruit.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Citura Tangerine

The tangerine tree is growing quite well.  I hand pollinated most of the first flush of blooms until the summer rains came.  When the second flush of blooms came, it was still raining.  I was unable to hand pollinate.  I don`t expect a lot of fruit to come of that second flush, but some of the fruitlets look like they might form fruit.  Other blooms have already fallen to the ground.  The fruitlets from that second flush are concentrated on one main branch.

The larger fruits are about the size of a small cherry tomato.  I
 am surprised that the tree is carying so many little fruits.  I hope this does not lead to alternate bearing.

Lowes Dragon Fruit

The mystery hylocereus undatus from Lowes is still alive.  The plant is beautiful, though it does not grow as vigorously as the Physical Graffiti.  On the other hand, it grows much better than the Delight dragon fruit plant.  I still wonder what type of fruit the mystery plant will give.  I hope it is good.
That`s my grandpa Casper`s cactus in the background.  The dragon fruit is in th foreground.

Growth, Physical Graffiti

The Physical Graffiti dragon fruit has doubled in size since the begininning of the summer.  I am going to over-winter it in the house this winter.  The pitaya cannot tolerate cold temperatures.  Perhaps I can get some fruit next summer, Lord willing.