Sunday, August 13, 2017

Super Dwarf Banana

I haven't had a banana plant for over a year. I've had disappointments trying to get bananas to set fruit. I have had 3 plants to grow a bell and fingers of bananas during the fall/ winter when I have no sunlight to give them. Consequently, I haven't been able to ripen the fruit, and I gave up on bananas.

I was thinking about how I encourage others to learn from mistakes and try again. Then I thought about my years growing bananas and how I have given up. I saw some super dwarf bananas in Food Lion $14.99, and it seemed like a good time to try again. In fact, my whole tropical plants craze can be traced back to a dwarf pineapple plant that I bought at Food Lion in 2010.<\p>

This time, I'm not going to expect to much. I am limiting myself to one new plant or pup each year. Anything else must be composted. The maximum height is 2-4 feet, so I should be able to bring the plant indoors without pruning. I am not maintaining a separate blog,, specifically for bananas. Instead I will post information about the banana on my tropical plants blog. I am not interested in other varieties of banana because they grow too tall and I cannot accommodate them.

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