Sunday, August 13, 2017

Dragon Fruits

This is my Physical Graffiti. This is its second year producing flowers and fruits. The fruit is mid-sized, purple/pink fleshed, and very sweet. This plant can self pollinate, but not very well. Self-pollinated fruit are generally small with flesh the size of a golf ball.

Next is the Mystery dragon fruit. I learned last year that this plant yields thick, white-fleshed fruit with thick rind. I'll never know for sure what variety it is, but I feel it may be akin to Thompson or Harpua. This variety is self fertile.

Next is an unknown variety acquired from my friend Vin. I believe it to be a Vietnamese white.

Last is a seedling red dragon fruit that I planted around July 2015. It's getting big and I don't quite know my future plans for it. The plant is some sort of Nicaraguan variety. The stems are very thorny and have a white frosting on them.

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