Sunday, August 13, 2017
Theobroma cacao
Citrus Plants
This is the Gurneys Citura Tangerine. I really think it is actually a calamondin. The plant is flowering for the first time since 2014.
This is one of the seedling tangerines that I planted back in 2010. It's ironic that I thought this to be the weaker of the two seedlings since it did not grow much. Yet it survived the cold winter when the other did not. I had to cut it back to the ground though, essentially regressing it to juvenility. I hope it flowers eventually. The good thing is that it grows better since the big chop.
Last is a Kishu mandarin that I acquired in summer 2016. It tried to flower in January 2017, but was unable to set fruit. It has grown a lot.
Dragon Fruits
Next is the Mystery dragon fruit. I learned last year that this plant yields thick, white-fleshed fruit with thick rind. I'll never know for sure what variety it is, but I feel it may be akin to Thompson or Harpua. This variety is self fertile.
Next is an unknown variety acquired from my friend Vin. I believe it to be a Vietnamese white.
Last is a seedling red dragon fruit that I planted around July 2015. It's getting big and I don't quite know my future plans for it. The plant is some sort of Nicaraguan variety. The stems are very thorny and have a white frosting on them.
Mallika and Pickering Mango
Selenicereus megalanthus flower buds

Super Dwarf Banana
I was thinking about how I encourage others to learn from mistakes and try again. Then I thought about my years growing bananas and how I have given up. I saw some super dwarf bananas in Food Lion $14.99, and it seemed like a good time to try again. In fact, my whole tropical plants craze can be traced back to a dwarf pineapple plant that I bought at Food Lion in 2010.<\p>
This time, I'm not going to expect to much. I am limiting myself to one new plant or pup each year. Anything else must be composted. The maximum height is 2-4 feet, so I should be able to bring the plant indoors without pruning. I am not maintaining a separate blog,, specifically for bananas. Instead I will post information about the banana on my tropical plants blog. I am not interested in other varieties of banana because they grow too tall and I cannot accommodate them.