Saturday, December 12, 2015

Wurtz Avocado

I ordered a Wurtz avocado this week from Ebay.  It arrived Wednesday, December 9, 2015.  I am suprised at how non-compact it is.  Wurtz is supposed to be a dwarf tree.  I was kind of expecting more branching along the trunk of the tree and a little less scraggliness.  It is not a bad little tree, it just needs to shape up a bit.  Many of the stems of the tree are covered by a black substance that reminds me of sooty mold.  I'm not sure if this is something I should be concerned with.  Some of the leaves and limbs look a little droopy and dehydrated.  I suppose the plant suffered shock in the shipping process.  I pruned some of the floppy limbs, and I am trying to make it happy so that it will perk up.  A good thing about the plant is the number of buds it has.  The limbs seem to be coved with apical buds.  Whenever the tree recovers or when the spring arrives, it will be interesting to see if all those buds develop.  If so, then it should be one beautiful little tree.  For right now, I have a Charllie Brown tree, which is fitting because it is almost Christmas.</p>

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