Saturday, December 12, 2015

Seedling Red Dragon Fruit

I ate my first dragon fruit this summer.  Unfortunately, it wasn't the best.  It tasted like, had the consistency of, and was the color of a pickled beet.  The sugar content was non-existent.  The fruit came from Nicaragua, so I suspect it was picked before it was totally ripe.  The red varieties grown there are Lisa, Sin Espinas, San Ignacio, Cebra, and Rosa, Orejona.  My little plant will most likely yield fruit similar to these varieties.  At present, the plant is loaded with spines, so it is unlikely to be a Sin Espinas.  I kind of wonder why the people of Nicaragua mostly grow the red varities as opposed to the white and magenta flesh.  The fruit is on top of the Physical Graffiti dragon

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