Sunday, March 24, 2013

Physical Graffiti

Growing by leaps and bounds.

Seedling tangerine surgery

Since my seedling tangerine may get too tall to bring indoors before it ever fruits, I had to do a little surgery.  I t-bud grafted 2 meyer lemon buds and 4 clementine buds.  These grafted buds are on the lower portion of the trunk so that that space is fruitful. The upper part of the tree remains seedling tangerine.  Hopefully those upper branches will start bearing asap.  If not, I am attempting to air layer an upper branch so that I can propagate the seedling from node 61 and above.  Hopefully the air layer will be ready for potting up around mid june.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


My delight dragon fruit has a tiny root.  The picture is fuzzy, but the upper most tip is a root.

Thursday, March 7, 2013


I can't believe how fast dragon fruit grows.  It may grow even faster when outdoors.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Seedling Dragon Fruit

The seedlings planted back in September are elongating and plumping up.  The respond quickly to favorable growing conditions.

Seed grown pineapple

I have 3 tiny pineapple plants grown from seeds I collected this summer.  They are so tiny and delicate.  It's a wonder that seedlings would ever be able to survive in the wild.  I guess nature's back-up plan is all those slips, suckers, and shoots.

Wellspring Dragon Fruit

The Wellspring pitaya is growing nicely.  It has lots of air roots.  I can't wait until it fruits.

Lowes Dragon Fruit

The Lowes hylocereus is flushing.  I am hoping for long, stout branches.  I need to greatly increase the plant's mass so that it will fruit.  I'm kind of curious as to what type of fruit it will produce.  I predict the fruit will be either white or pink due to the presence of 3-5 spines at each node.  I hope the fruit is good.


The physical graffeti dragon fruit plant is progressing nicely.  The shoot is growing and it has started to grow roots.